Video Tribute made by Debbie Tompkins for Darrel's Birthday. It was originally posted a few years ago on the One True Media website, but is now available on YouTube.
Our friend Carla Hood made this video to honour some the young boys, including Darrel, taken from their families "Far Too Soon", as a part of Childhood cancer Awareness Month 2014. On September 5, 2014 I participated in the Whipping Childhood Cancer Challenge. For the month of September, I will be donating $2.00 to Childhood Cancer Canada for every Facebook "Like" this video receives (up to $150). For the American Thanksgiving, our friend Sherry Blevins made this Tribute video for those loved ones who will be missed over the holiday. This picture of Darrel is at the 2:38 mark This is the first Tribute video I've made myself. Thanks for viewing it. Video Tribute made by Debbie Tompkins for Darrel's Birthday. Thank You Debbie!!
Childhood Cancer Awareness Video. Darrel makes an appearance at the 2:13 minute mark. |