(This has already been reposted by several other Web Pages)
Did you know that cancer is the #1 killer
of kids?
More than AIDS, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, congenital anomalies, and asthma combined?
There are over 40,000 kids battling cancer at this very moment.
The average age of a child being diagnosed is 6, the average age for an adult is 66.
Three out of every five children who survive cancer will be diagnosed with another cancer, a chronic illness or another life threatening.. illness before they are adults.
In the U.S. alone, over 3000 children die from cancer each year. There is no
real statistic for how many die of the secondary effects of the treatments:
infections, organ failure, respiratory failure. 1 is too many.
Every four hours a child will die from pediatric cancer.
Only about 20% of adults with cancer show evidence that the disease has spread
to distant sites on the body at diagnosis, yet 80% of children are diagnosed
with advanced disease.
In the past 25 years, only 1 new cancer drug has been approved for pediatric use.
Only 3% of the budget from the National Cancer Institute goes towards
Pediatric Cancer Research.
Our government recently made huge cuts in the Childhood Cancer budget.
As a nation we spend $14 BILLION per year on the space program, but only
$35 MILLION on childhood cancer. The state of Florida alone spends more
annually to save the manatee than we do nationally for researching
treatment options for children with cancer.
Childhood cancer can affect any child - from newborns to teenagers. There is
no known cause . . . No one knows why some children get cancer and no one
knows why some children get better...and some children don’t. There are
no boundaries it won’t cross, cancer doesn’t discriminate.
And most importantly.. we do know that RESEARCH is the only way to find a CURE!
Research is the only HOPE for the 40,000 children currently in treatment for cancer.
We have to work together to find a cure . . . To stop this disease from taking more
precious innocent lives.
(Originally Posted April 23/09)