12 Facts About Childhood Cancer
(1) Each year cancer kills more children between 1 and 20 years of age than asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and AIDS, combined.
(2) Every year, over 12,500 young people are diagnosed with cancer and about
2,300 children and teenagers die from cancer.
(3) One in every 330 Americans develops cancer before age 20.
(4) Some forms of childhood cancer have proven to be so resistant that even in spite of the great research strides made, most of those children die.
(5) The causes of most childhood cancers are not yet known.
(6) Eighty percent of the children who are diagnosed with cancer have disease which has already spread to distant sites in the body
(7) Although the 5 year survival rate is steadily increasing, one quarter of children will die 5 years from the time of diagnosis
(8) The cause of most childhood cancers are unknown and at present, cannot be prevented. (Most adult cancers result from lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet, occupation, and other exposure to cancer-causing agents).
(9) In the past 20 years only one new cancer drug has been approved for pediatric use.
(10) Only 3 percent of the budget from the National Cancer Institute goes towards Pediatric Cancer Research.
(11) September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness month, which nationally goes largely unrecognized.
(12) The American Cancer Society provides only 1.85% of dollars spent on research, to be spread over all 12 types of childhood cancers. (*July 2005, Research Department,
American Cancer Society, Inc.)
(Orignally Posted Jan 17/08)