Category: Life
I'd like to take this time to say thank you to my family, friends, and
members of Darrel's Playground for all their support over the past year. It
has never been easy, but your kind and thoughtful words, and equally moving
gestures have made both an impact and difference on many an occasion when I was
feeling emtionally low. Darrel is remembered every day on so many levels by my
family and all who have been fortunate enough to experience him in their lives.
Over the course of the year, I've tried to spread Childhood Cancer
Awareness through the Playground's MySpace and Facebook pages. It is often
difficult to talk openly about a subject that the public-at-large doesn't want
to hear about, but that certainly pales in the difficulty of living through
those memories for the rest of my life. Team Darrel's participation in the
Relay For Life last June did much to remind me that we're not alone in this
struggle, and that there is so much more we can do together to help out.
Through our collective efforts we have also been able to many several
donations in Darrel's name to several worthy groups/organizations. The
Canadian Cancer Society, The James Fund for Neuroblastoma Research, The Sick
Kids Foundation, The Grand River Hospital Children's Oncology Clinic, and
Katie's Pennies (CHEO) have all benefited through your generous contributions.
The financial strains of having a loved one undergoing cancer treatments can be
quite substantial (to say the least), and every little bit does help the
situation in ways most of you will hopefully never know. Having been at
receiving at of such donations in the past, I'm quite aware how even the
smallest of gifts can bring the biggest of smiles to the face of a child.
Along with my thanks, I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year. I hope you all will be able to spend time with family and
friends over the holidays, and enjoy all the festive season has to offer.
Thanks Again,