Category: Life
As 2009 draws to a close, it is time for me to once again to say Thank You you all for your tremendous generosity and support over the last year. Through fundraisers and events that Darrel's Playground/Team Darrel have taken part in, almost $4000 was brought in for various cancer related organizations. Childhood Cancer Awareness, is far too often an after thought
to people, so extra focus was given to helping make "Gold: The New Pink" in 2009. If only we could attain the same kind of recognition as Breast Cancer receives, so much more could be accomplished for the children and families who need extra assisitance. With your
continued support, who knows what is possible in 2010!
Some of the areas where together we made a difference were:
Relay For Life: This event by far was the biggest contributor, and special recognition should be give to my Team Darrel 2009 co-members: Kira, Lauren, John, Helen, Bryan, Janet, Kim, Sharon and Payge.
Kyle's Fight: Thanks to everyone who bought a 2010 Calendar to support neuroblastoma research at SickKids Hospital. Darrel was featured as the child for the month of September.
JamesFund: Through button sales, a donation was able to be made to the SickKids Foundation.
Katie'sPennies: A Christmas gift was purchased for a child at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa.
Canadian Cancer Society: In addition to funds earned through the Relay, a donation was made to the Cancer Society. A special thanks goes to Kim Henry at the Guelph office for helping me out with calendar sales and Relay co-ordination.
I would also like to recognize Mr. Zen, who was until recently the principal at St. Joseph's Catholic School here in Fergus. During his years at the school, he helped our family out in countless ways through Darrel's treatments. Being a liaison with the girls' teachers, hosting several fundraisiers along the way, organizing a tutor when we thought that maybe
things were going to turn out for the better, lending a friendly ear when it was necessary, and continuing to make generous donations to Team Darrel in the past two Relays. Mr. Zen has taken up a new position at another school, but his kindness will not be forgotten.
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and wish you all the best in 2010. Thanks again to you all.