Category: Life
It is 3 months today since Darrel died and left his family and friends behind. In many ways it seems like much more time has past, and in others, it feels like it was only yesterday. It
has also been an emotional week for me with the passing of Kayla Weber. Though
I've never met Kayla, Julie or Jason, through shared messages with those close
to her, blogs, and videos, it felt like I did, and for that I am thankful.
Especially with the Christmas season growing close, Darrel's absence is felt that much
more with every passing day. Searching through countless stores looking for a particular Transformer or GameBoy selection (probably would have been the latest Pokemon)
is something that I would love to have had on my Christmas shopping list, but that won't
be the case this year.
I'd like to take this moment to say thank you to all of you for your ongoing concern,
support and kindness given to my family. Communicating with others who have lost
loved ones through Darrel's pages on MySpace and Facebook have often helped in ways
I had not expected. Without the thoughtfulness of family, friends, and others touched
by Darrel in some way, I'm not sure how we would have made it through it all.
Thank You.
The Robb Family