Category: Life
Welcome 2011! As we enter the new year, let me once again Thank You all for being members of Darrel's Playground. Your continued support of myself, my family, and the goal to raise awareness for Childhood Cancer is more than greatly appreciated!!
While the Relay For Life was still the 'Main Event' so to speak for our efforts, there were
several different organized campaigns conducted on Facebook in 2010. Whether it be
something as simple as changing your Status Picture or Update, to something with a bit more participation, many of you were able to help keep the cause front and centre as much as possible.
Christmas has never been the same for us without Darrel, with the season just past being no exception. With the Christmas Tree being set-up in the basement for the first time, it certainly did give a different feel to the holidays. Though the tree was a bit more out of sight, it
certainly was not out of mind. It was still adorned with the hand painted decorations that
Darrel completed during his inpatient stays at the Grand River Hospital in Kitchener. This
was our fourth Christmas without him with us, but his presence was never hard to find.
Unfortunately, over-shadowing all of this, was once again cancer touching my immediate
family. While there may not be alot of similarities between neuroblastoma and prostate
cancer....Cancer is still cancer. Seeing your father lying in a hospital bed in discomfort,
attached to beeping machines, is no easier than seeing your son in the same situation. His
treatments and hospital stay were less intense and fewer than Darrel's, but the emotional
involvement still takes its toll. Flashbacks to my son's treatments could not be avoided,
which did not help matters for all concerned.
Though the prognosis is very favouring for him, and the surgery in early December being
deemed a success, several medical complicatoins continue to mar his road to recovery.
Things are now moving in the right direction, and hopefully are no more obstacles to
encounter in the near future. Kira and Lauren have been told that this kind of cancer is more common, and procedure is almost considered routine (which is sad but true), I'm sure it is
still troubling for them to see yet another family member going through such an ordeal.
Without a doubt, the new year will bring us all a series of ups and downs, trials and
tribulations, and happiness and sorrow. Together as a family, with the assistance of friends,
co-workers, and the kindness of strangers, we will continue to grow and thrive in the days,
months, and years ahead. Thanks for being a part of this journey with me.