Category: Life
Back on Mother's Day, the entire extend families on both sides went with us
to Canada's Wonderland, just outside Toronto. Darrel had an amazing time,as
did all involved. It was only the second weekend that the park had been open
for the season, and being Mother's Day, the crowds were not anywhere near where
they are by now. The weather also co-operated, and we had a rather warm May
day to spend outside. It was the kids first real experience with an amusement
park, only have been to the local Fall Fairs in previous years. Darrel and
Lauren had to contend with height restrictions on some rides, but there were
more than enough to keep them occupied, and keep the smiles on their faces.
While I had some doubts about whether Darrel's body would be able to handle
that much (and kind of) activity, the day went by without many problems. We
were actually there for 9 hours, and the kids wanted to stay for more, but the
park was closing, and we had a 2 hour drive to get home again.
Darrel had a great 7th birthday on May 26th! His favourite gift was a new
Nintendo DS, with of course the new Pokemon games, Diamond and Pearl. Kira was
not overly happy about this, as I had previously said no to her getting one for
either Christmas or her birthday. It didn't make much sense to me to get a new
system (we already have the GameCube and each has their own GameBoy unit) to
play the few games that are only available for the DS. But there is a
different set of circumstances now. She was more or less told she would get a
system to call her own soon enough...Darrel's. She soon clued in again to the
reality of what lies ahaed for her brother. On the 27th, the family went to
see Shrek the Third. Darrel enjoyed seeing the movie on the Big Screen, as we
don't get to do that very often. His only concern was that if we seen it in
the theater, we wouldn't buy it once it came out on DVD. "Not a problem", I
told him.
Two weeks ago, we noticed that the whites of his eyes appeared to be
turning yellow. After visiting the hospital, we were informed that this
commonly would occur if the cancer had spread its way into his liver. Tests
could be done to confirm this, but really, why bother with more procedures.
Saving the liver from further harm is only prudent in a healthy body. It's
just one more step on the path that has been laid out for Darrel. As always.
no time-frame is given, but once the liver is weakened enough, the strain on
his remaining kidney will probably be too much for any period of time. He
personally thinks the yellow tinge to his eyes is cool, and as it is causing
him no new discomfort, there is nothing to worry about.
I've told my work to put my compassionate leave on the fast track to
getting under way. It's very difficult to say when would be the best time to
begin, as it's only a partially paid leave for eight weeks. His spirits, as
always are good and high most of the time, but that could change in a hurry.
Of course, if it does, I would leave immediately, but my employer has been very
understanding so far, I'd like to have a replacement ready to go before hand if
Once off, I'll be able to help Rebecca with things around the house, with
Darrel, and the girls when school is over in two weeks for the summer. On the
good days, I hope to be able to do some fun things as a family. Days trips
will be much easier to do with little notice when we are all at home every day.
On the bad days, there will be many hands to help out as needed.
The pain levels that he has had to endure lately are alot less than a month
ago. Although this is a blessing, I think it may be a mixed one. When the
tumor was smaller, it moved around more, and caused a rotation in the spots
bothering Darrel. Now that this has stopped, it probably indicates the mass
has latched on to something internally, and will grow more rapidly. This
happened back through the summer of 2005, until by September, it would be
constantly rubbing against something, creating constant problems for Darrel.
I'm hoping that I am wrong, but this could be a sign of the calm before the
That's about it for now. Thanks again for reading and all your