The below eulogy was written by Lauren (8), Darrel's brother.
My speach may be longer then others or shorter then others. My speach
isen't about funny or ambarising storys. It's about what Darrel loved to do
and how brave he was getting all those needls. One of Darrels favourite things
to do was go fishing. He caugt a mama fish once. I don't think I fish as well
as him. Darrel also loved playing video games with Don and swimming with Don.
He also liked to go to the Doller store and stilling my grandpa Robbs money,
espically the stilling money part. He loved rideing the horses at my uncle
Henerys farm. I think Darrel was brave haveing to take all of those pills and
all of that wackey medisin. I know Darrel is dead but I still love him.
from Lauren