Category: Writing and Poetry
(Taken from another Cancer Angel's Site)
I know your names
You were here for hours, days, months or years
Too young to die
Too young to leave your parents, who will never be the same
Your names are written on their lives forever
They will remember your birthdays, with "if only" and "would have been"
They will count the years and measure you by your friends
They will mourn your graduations, ball games and marriages
They will hold you in their dreams
They will cradle your teddies and sleep with your blankets
They yearn for the scent of you, long gone from your clothes
They will walk into your darkened rooms and hope that tonight you will be there
They fear they may forget your faces, your smiles, your voices
They hold onto the grief that binds their love to you
They will remember the insidious unknowns that stole your breath,
Stopped your beating hearts
They will relive your last days, last touches, and last breaths
And rewind them again and again until they are tight in their mind’s eyes
I weep for your mothers, your fathers,
Your grandparents, your siblings, your friends
And all those who will never know you
And when time silences the voice of solace
I will say your names and REMEMBER
Author Unknown
(Originally Posted July 16/09)