Category: Writing and Poetry
Poems about kids with cancer ~ By Gloria Collins
Thanks to Destiny's mom Carla for passing these along:
these little warrior's
they are the warrior's though tiny by far,
who won't let cancer, change who they are.
to battle this demon, they'll go that extra mile,
with giggles and laughter and great big smiles.
yes these are the warrior's, so brave and so true,
to have one more day, with me and with you.
they are more wise then the years, that they'll never be.
they know words like remission and chemo, needle's and iv's.
this cancer it comes, like a thief in the night,
but these little warriors are ready to fight.
some go to battle and sometimes they don't win,
the pain for them is over but ours just begins.
these little warriors need a drug that will end,
this war they've been fighting, this cancer within.
they need to be able to be children again ,
to laugh and to play with their family and friends.
not lie in a hospital with tubes up their nose,
that's not how the story of these warriors goes.
how can this country have such knowledge on war,
yet we can't end the one, that their fighting for.
© By Gloria Collins
we're fighting cancer
i was once, a normal little girl,
with ribbons and bows and lots of curls.
i was once, a normal little boy,
who loved to play with trucks and toys.
now all we know is hospitals and pain,
doctors and nurses, lifes not the same.
we are just babies, toddlers and teens,
and some of those other ages between.
we want to live and have a nomal life,
grow up to be someone's husband or wife.
raise our own kids, and grand kids too,
we want a chance to be just like you.
to go to school, or to read a book,
not see sadness in your eyes when we look.
we want to run and we want to play,
we want back, what cancer took away.
we know you love us, with all of your hearts,
and to know we may leave you, just tears us apart.
this word thats named cancer,
is so very big, why can't it leave us alone and just let us live.
we're tired of iv's, chemo and drugs
we just want a childhood of kisses and hugs
we just want to be carefree and happy again
the way we were before cancer began
we pray for more time to spend here with you,
and to do all the things that we want to do.
so pray real hard, that a cure they will find,
because a life they might save, may just be mine.
© By Gloria Collins
susie says goodbye
nurses, doctors and hospital rooms that was all the
norm for so long for this crew
home for a while everything seem fine,then
susie's stat's were down again, they knew what to do.
back to the hospital a few more weeks this time,
susies mom judy, was going out of her mind.
in a few minutes dr.sam walked in, the look on his face made her say,
please dr.sam say susie will be just fine.
dr sam put his arm around judy and said lets
take a little walk, then they stepped out of the room.
soon judys heart felt so heavy, and dr. sam's tears just added to her gloom
dr sam had treated susie for the last two years befor this rare brain tumor she was a viberant little girl,
she loved to play with dolls and dress up she like she specialy
liked ribbons and curls.
but since her hair fell out it wasn't the same,
life wasn't as much fun for susie.
all she ever felt any more was pain
and needles, nausea and iv's.
now as dr sam stood outside susie's room talking
with her mom judy things were not good
dr sam said judy, it's time to call dan home,
he needs to be here, we've done all that we could.
it's in god hand's now he determines the timei wish i could give you better news
and with that he put his arms around judy and said this is a very special case and
one i didn't want to lose
and in that hallway they cried together not as dr
and paient's mother but as people grieving over losing a child.
judy called her husband dan and broke the news from dr sam they cried and talk a
then judy went to the rest room and composed herself then she went in
and sat with susie while she slept
she held her hand and prayed for god to give them more time then she laid her head down beside her and wept.
she must have drifted off to sleep because soon she heard a voice so sweet and low
it said mama this is susie i didn't want to wake you but it's time for me to go
i love you mama and don't you and daddy worry none
and tell dr sam thanks for everything he's done
don't you and daddy be sad, you were the best there ever was,
and i'll be watching you now and sending lots of angel love.
then the buzzzzzzzzz of the machine, jolted mama awake,
she reached for susie's hand but it was now to late.
just about that time dan came rushing thru the door ,
judy had to tell him susie was with the angels forever more.
but she told him of how susie's voice she had heard,
and the 2 of them will never forget their angel's final words .
written and
copyrighted by
gloria collins
author's notes
i believe that during a long illness, loved ones are so consumed with whats
happening at that moment, that they don't have time to think about the
future. and when their loved one passes it's then that the grief sets in,
to have to live with out that loved one is the hardest thing to do but i
believe if that loved one is a child it is even a million times harder to
do, but i believe that god's plan's for our lives are not to
be questioned and that we will see each other again in heaven, if we believe and stay faithful, to him no matter what crosses we have to bare here we will be rewarded a thousand times over in heaven.
(Originally Posted Dec 11/07)